From Z to A: The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater

Dear Aly,

It has been pretty well established that I love Maggie Stiefvater. She creates lush storylines and amazing characters, and with each new book I read of hers I fall a little bit more in love. For having picked up The Raven Cycle series on a whim, I sure am deep in.

I had the opportunity to preorder The Raven King from Fountain Bookstore and got my hands on a doodled copy with the special bookplate Maggie created for the book. Maggie’s art is beautiful and it was definitely worth the wait. I was also grateful that the shipping and receiving process went off without a hitch (if you remember, there was a certain incident with some trucks with the preorders having tipped over in a snowstorm… the horror!).

Again not spoiling anything since this is the last book in the series, The Raven King picks up where Blue Lily, Lily Blue left off. The gang is all there: Gansey, Blue, Ronan, Adam, Noah. Gansey’s search for the dead Welsh king Glendower continues, as it always does, and he’s closer than he’s ever been, and yet somehow kinda far too. There’s something stirring in a magical forest, something certain people want to get their hands on, and as per usual, there’s some pretty shady people hanging around creating chaos.

With The Raven King we see the rise in importance of Henry Cheng. He had a minor part in Blue Lilybut he really becomes an intrinsic part of the story in this last installment. I really loved getting to know him and seeing how he interacted with the rest of the characters and I felt he was a cool addition to the team.

I am very happy with this ending Maggie has written. Of course I’m sad that it’s officially Over but I feel complete. It’s a really amazing series and I think Maggie gave the characters the ending they deserved.

(Oh and the thing you think happens…. it may or may not have happened. Wink wink)

Happy reading,


Psst: If you’d like to grab this book we’ve got affiliate links for you! Yay free shipping!!
